Friday, January 13, 2012

I really suck at this blogging thing...

So, I've realized that I really stink at this whole blogging thing.  Not that I don't have things to say--that is certainly not the problem.  I think it's more that I have a TON to say, but I don't really think anyone cares to read it.  I have moments where I feel like I'm having really deep thoughts...things I'd like to ponder on paper just to get the bajillion things running through my head out.  There are other days when I just want to giggle at anything and everything that happens.  God knows, I provide enough entertainment all on my own to be able to laugh out loud at my own expense on a regular basis.  There are times I want to write about my family and friends and the people that I love.  There are times I want to vent my frustrations and times when I want to go on and on and on about the wonders of motherhood and the immense love I have for these two hoodlums I've created. 

I do NOT however, ever think I will want to talk about politics.  I hate politics.  I vote in presidential elections because I feel it is my civic duty and I want to set a good example for my kids.  But I usually go less with an educated view on a candidate and more with a "gut feel" kind of thing.  Turns out my last gut feel about a presidential candidate wasn't so great.......

I do NOT think I will ever talk about sports.  I admit to enjoying some sporting events.  I like the occasional football or baseball game.  I really enjoy Nascar.  However, I cannot stand smack-talking.  In addition, it really grinds my nerves that when I say, "I'm a Gamecock fan, but I also love WVU" or "I love the Steelers and the Redskins," I get a couple of different responses.  The first is usually, "You can't like more than one team."  Really?  Who says?  Where is there some written rule that says I'm not a true fan if I like the team I grew up watching and the team I've learned to love with age?  The second response is, "Who's your favorite player?" or some other detail about the team or their stats.  Uh, I said I like the team....that does not in any way, shape, or form mean that I can randomly spout off facts about their stats, their ranking, their players, or their schedule.  I don't know who their coaches are, nor do I care.  I don't care how many games they've won in the last 50 years.  I don't care how long it's been since they've been to the playoffs, a bowl game, or the Superbowl.  I just like them.  Is that okay?  Finally, the last reason I will not usually talk about sports is that I don't like smack talking.  During football season especially, I try to avoid FB on Saturdays.  I cannot stand the "play-by-play" that occurs with EVERYONE about every game that's on TV.  If I wanted to know, I'd be watching the game.  Shut up already.  In addition, I don't like the dogging of each other's teams, the trashing of specific players for their plays, etc.  I have literally watched people get unfriended for smack-talking about opposing teams.  Is it really that serious, people.  It is a GAME, after all.  They almost make it unenjoyable.  Just shut up already and watch the game.                  On a side note, there is no more awesome feeling in the world than going to a Nascar race and listening to the announcer say "Gentleman, start your engines" right before they ignite the engines of 40 machines.  It makes your entire ensides rumble and your hair stand on end.  It is such an adrenaline rush.  Did I mention Joey got me a ride-along in a Nascar race for Christmas?  I am SO excited!!!!

Okay, so I'm going to make a second attempt to start this little blog thing up.  I feel inspired we'll see what happens.  For now, I feel better getting this stuff off my chest. 

Play ball!!


  1. Totally will love reading things not about politics and/or sports! Blog on, Rach!

  2. Lol, I can't believe you read this!! I really stink at this...not nearly as witty as you, and certainly not very "deep." But it's fun to get stuff off the chest, certainly. :)

  3. .....and I've realized that maybe I should proofread....Geez, there's like one or two spelling mistakes and two or three grammatical errors in this post!! Holy cow. Lol.
