Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm obssessive.....

So, I've decided at 35 years of age that I'm a bit on the obssessive side.  Not like crazy-psycho-ex-girlfriend obssessive, more like, I-absolutely-love-this-and-now-am-a-little-addicted obssessive.  Here are a few of my obssessions:

1.  My kids.  Without a doubt, I am psycho over my kids.  I'm that mom that will stare at my children in absolute wonder and try to imagine why in the world God chose me to be their Mother.  I am in love with every little detail of their physical, emotional, and social beings.  On the flip side, it is not unusual for me to get myself into an absolute panic over nothing.  I will daydream about something horrible happening and let it get out of control until I am crying and must see them and touch them to know they're okay.  I'm crazy psycho mom.  I admit it.  But, how could I not be?  These are the two most perfect (and crazy and loud and rambunctious and frustrating) children in the world!! 
2.  Jon Bon Jovi--On the night that I discovered the internet hoax "Jon Bon Jovi is dead" (but before I knew it was an internet hoax), I made a complete jack-ass of myself in front of three of my employees.  I was a hysterical mess.  I have literally loved Bon Jovi since I was in the 2nd grade and vividly remember riding the school bus with the radio on and singing "Living on a Prayer."  (We had motions for the little dance we did, and I also thought the one line said, "We're making our square.")  Don't ask me how I remember this, but I do.  I remember in the 7th grade when "I'll Be There for You" came out and it was my new song of the moment.  I was a die hard Young Guns fan because he did the soundtrack for the 2nd movie.  I've seen them in concert four times.  My Superman tattoo was halfway inspired by Jon's.  I'm psycho.  I know this.  I am okay with it.  I love this man. 

3.  I cannot start a video game and just play for an hour.  If I start it, I will be there for seven or eight hours....seriously.  I will stay up until all hours of the night to play it.  It drives my husband crazy.  Now, with this being said, I don't often play video games, so this isn't really an all-the-time problem.  However, the Lego Harry Potter games are a definite issue.  Any of the time management games on the computer or the iPhone are a problem.  I killed my iPhone battery four times in a row playing Angry Birds when I first downloaded it.  I even sunk so low as to play the game while the phone was plugged into the wall.  It is really, really sad. 

4.  Books & their associated movies:  Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings....yeah, I'm an addict.  I will go to the store in the middle of the night if I've finished a book and there's a sequel.  I will go to the midnight premiere of the movies when they come out.  I would consider dressing up as the characters for the premieres if I had the money and the resources to do so.  I am that fan.  I was late to all three of the trends (and usually am), so I have to play "catch up."  I always swear I am not a bandwagon girl (and I'm usually not), so I won't jump on the first book right away.  I usually become a victim because I have nothing else to read, and the first book is staring me in the face at the bookstore, so I'll just give in and buy it.  I'm usually caught up in a week or less.  I read the entire Twilight series in less than two weeks......I know, it's pathetic.  And I must share my passion for these books and movies with my kids, because I'm psycho about them, too....  This is us at one of the premieres for Harry Potter....

5.  Maurice's---  Let me preface this by saying that I am not your typical girl, or at least I didn't used to be.  I have never liked shopping for clothes, and I don't have a closet full of shoes.  I am a "functional wardrobe" kind of girl.  Until I found Maurice' will be the death of my bank account.  I swear, the person who founded this store did so specifically with me in mind.  There are very, very few things in this store that I would NOT wear.  In other words, if I only had to wear their clothes for the rest of my life, I would be just fine.  Want to know what to get me for my birthday?  Maurice's gift card.  Want to know what to get me for Christmas?  Maurice's gift card.  It is physically not possible for me to go into this store and come out empty handed.  I am obssessed.  For ANY occasion, I go here.  Dresses, work clothes, cute going out clothes, every day wear, shoes, accessories, purses, jewelry, etc.--Maurice's.  It is from this store that I paid the most I've ever paid for a pair of jeans (it was still under $50, people, I'm not stupid....) and they are my absolute favorite pair of jeans EVER.  Their clothes have a crack power that make me still feel young and sexy and pretty and professional all at the same time.  I go back again and again and again.  When I am sad or depressed, my husband sends me here.  It works every time--I will instantly be cheered.  In almost any given picture of me from the last three years, I will almost inevitably be wearing something from this store.  It's the ONLY place I shop now. 

So, the bottom line is that the first step to controlling an addiction is admitting that you have a problem.  I admit it.  I have multiple problems.  But, I'm okay with all of them.  Is that an even bigger problem?.....

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