Yeah....clearly, since my last post was in July of last year, I am not so very good at this blogging thing. I started this blog (if I'm being entirely honest with myself) to vent. On this blog, I can just blab about whatever without forcing unsuspecting friends or the hubby to listen to my incessant rambling. I've had a lot to rant and rave about lately, but I'll spare....the 20 million people who do not read this blog because I never post anything worth reading anyway.
Not much has happened in the last 9 months anyway. We did get the boys a puppy. A bloodhound. He's....noisy and mouthy. He is teething, and therefore bites everything. And, he has a noise for everything....except, well, that stinky thing that he has going on out his rear end. Those are silent. They just kinda sneak up on you with no warning. Blech. My Saint Bernard, who is almost nine, has never had a gas problem, thank God. I now have an adorable little Bloodhound puppy with long floppy ears and those sad, droopy little eyes that has horrendous gas. Lord.....
That's about it. I've been mopping up a lot of puppy pee in the last three weeks. Other than that, nothing to report. Maybe that's why I haven't been posting? Who knows.
I'm going to try to get better about this whole blog thing. Maybe then, I'll get like one reader or something........probably not, because I'm thankfully pretty boring. Boring is good for me.